Tuesday, June 3, 2014

BEA recap!

Holy crap, guys. BEA. That’s all I need to say, right?

If you’ve been to BEA you would know my excitement and horror. If you’ve read about BEA, you can probably imagine my excitement and horror. If you’ve never heard about BEA, how did you get to our blog?

Bobbydinohunter and I went to BEA to visit family and enjoy all of what makes BEA so awesome. I won’t go into to many details, but the beginning of my trip was crap. Bobby (my husband and co-blogger) had made the 11 hour drive to stay with his family for the beginning of the holiday week. I on the other hand still had to work during the week so I had stayed behind with the Tater-tot. My school is actually remodeling, and I am getting an all new library. So that week was reserved for only moving the entire collection into the unused home-ec room. It was a killer. (Lesson learned: going to BEA right after moving 12,000 books myself into storage is not a good idea.) 

Then on Wednesday, my flights kept getting delayed, to the point I would be arriving at 1:30 in the morning on Thursday. 0.o 

From there, we knew it was about an hour from bobbydinohunter’s mom’s house to the expo hall. We left before 6, and didn’t get there until almost 9. I HATE NY TRAFFIC! For the rest of our stay, we got up at 4 and was out the door by 4:45. This, for us, was the perfect timing. We were able to get coffee, and still make it in time to get spots for author tickets! Now, I don’t think I need to go into too many details about BEA, but here are some points of interest.

1. I wound up in the Harlequin signing line about 45 minutes before they started. I had lost track of my husband, so I decided I had nothing better to do, I’ll go ahead and wait. When the signing started, the line was completely wrapped around the booth. Mind you, the Harlequin booth was LARGE.  And, they had the best set-up for lines to begin with, IMO. Anywho, back to the story: So, the line starts moving, and I am about number 15 in line. I am on my phone when a woman comes up to me and says “I’ll pay you $5 If I can cut you so I don’t have to wait in this line.”

I wish I had had the balls to tell her fuck no. BUT I was dumbfounded, and just nodded my head with a “whatever” shrug. She then proceeded to tell me how great I was and did I “really want the 5?”

 Now, I was never going to take her money.  (I wanted to pretend I’d never met her and she just pushed her way in, truthfully.) Yet this rubbed me the wrong way too. If you are going to be THAT person that everyone hates, you better be able to put your money where your mouth is.

2. Stealing. HOLY SHIT PEOPLE. Not every book is free.  Why is this so hard for people to understand? One booth that I saw have a huge problem with this was Sourcebooks. They had four triangular pillars, with about 8 books displayed on each side. By Saturday, there were just empty stands. The sad part is, they had signs that said “DISPLAY ONLY” throughout the entire place!!! I sat there at about 1pm on Saturday, waiting for them to close. I had asked, and they said when they started closing down, they would let my husband and I take a couple of their picture books for Taters.  As I was resting my feet, I saw a woman come up, pick up a romance novel, do the shifty- eyes, and slyly put it in her bag and walked away.

Hello! Sometimes, just ask! If she had asked, and waited (god forbid) 15 minutes, they probably would have gladly let her take it. DON’T ASSUME YOU CAN HAVE THESE BOOKS!
While this happened, a group a young girls came up behind us to another pillar. I then loudly started talking to Bobby about how crappy the theft was.  The girls heard me, and started debating if they should take and go. I looked at them pointedly and said “If you wait 15 minutes and ask, they might let you have that book, you don’t need to steal it from them.” And they gave me the dirtiest look, pocketed a book each (about 4 girls, a different book each) and walked away.

And, do you know what I find to be my biggest issue with these two specific incidents? Sourcebooks was on the SOLE BEA side. Meaning these were NOT “general public” bookcon attendees. These were people somehow related to the trade, and paid for all 3 days, and STILL felt the need to openly steal from them.

3. The Mortal Instruments is HP fanfiction.  I am ok with that. I actually love the series.  But dear Tween:  if you can’t see the similarities, we have a problem. Stop loudly defending the book when 1. No one was negative towards it and 2. You don’t know what you are talking about.

4. Book con was……. A madhouse. I’m not sure if my trip on Saturday was worth the chaos.

5. I met several bloggers, but I wish I asked more for their cards. I met two in particular that I came across several times that I really enjoyed. They were a ton of fun, but I can’t seem to find their blog or find them on twitter at all. :(

In the end, my husband and I wound up with a bunch of books, contacts, and new friends. It was a blast, and we have both agreed we will return in at LEAST 2016 when it is housed in Chicago. Hopefully we’ll make  it next year too! 

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you in line at the Harlequin signing! I must have missed the part where someone cut in front of you :S, YES! Sourcebooks had so many of their books stolen. On the Saturday, I just asked politely for one of the display copies and they were more than happy to let me have it since I asked. I can't believe how people feel like their entitled to grab anything they see.

    Take care!

    Moonlight Gleam Reviews - moonlightgleam.com
